British Summer Time starts

But NZ Summer Time hasn’t ended yet!

After our 5 mile walk Saturday morning, to watch the pipe bands marching down George Street, then my 4 mile walk in the afternoon to watch the top bands performing in the national contest, we had an even more energetic Sunday. We had carefully moved our watches back an hour – but discovered later in the day that NZ winter time doesn’t start for another week. So for the next 7d we are 12h ahead of the UK, before reducing to 11h. Very confusing!

We spent the morning cycling to, and then up, ‘The Big Easy’, a 6km zig-zag trail up Sentinel Hill that gains 290m elevation. There was some evidence en route that not everyone made it up and back down again safely!

By the time I reached the top, there was nothing to see except cloud and mist.

Luckily, I took photos at Sentinel Plateau, two-thirds of the way up.

View from Sentinel Plateau before the clouds descended

David went down the way we had come but I opted for the main road, which was a glorious, downhill road with gentle curves.

After lunch, we went out again, first to the botanic garden.

Alpine rock garden

Then we went to watch birds down by Otago Harbour.

Royal spoonbills, Little black shag, Pied shag, Skua & white-fronted heron

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